
Inspired by a true story, the movie revolves around superstitions and Modern Life. As depicted in the movie, Aaditya(Manoj Kumar Rao) is a lawyer. Initially, he is completely against practicing superstitions but later on, something shook him from inside and he ceded to practice those beliefs.


  • Director

    Ritesh S Kumar

  • Writer

    Ritesh S Kumar

  • Released

    Dec 15, 2017

  • Genre


Rating 6.9


Inspired by a true story, the movie revolves around superstitions and Modern Life. As depicted in the movie, Aaditya(Manoj Kumar Rao) is a lawyer. Initially, he is completely against practicing superstitions but later on, something shook him from inside and he ceded to practice those beliefs.

Now the same Aaditya, a non-believer of superstitions, suddenly decides that he will complete a journey of 105 km from Sultanganj to Baba Baidhmath dham without any clothes.


  1. image of Manoj Kumar Rao
    Manoj Kumar RaoasAaditya
  2. image of Rose Laskar
    Rose LaskarasSonam

Director's Note

Mridang is my debut movie as a Director. We went through a lot of hardships in the making of this movie. Mridang added to me a lot of experience as a director.